Monday, August 29, 2016

Introducing Morning Basket Time..and the Rest of Our Weekly Plan

Over the past few weeks I have discovered several new podcasts that I am really LOVING. All of them are done by homeschooling moms who have seen it fit to share with the world how they are thriving in their home-schooling life. For me this is WONDERFUL because it is giving me all kinds of ideas on what I can add or take away from my home school day to make things a bit more fun and enjoyable as well as getting the most out of the learning time that we have.

One thing that I have have discovered through listening to these podcasts is the concept of "Morning Time" or "Morning Basket Time". This is a time when everyone comes together for a time of learning where the important things that I as the "teacher" really want to get done but may often push aside because I feel that I need to focus more on the core subjects that the would be learning in a traditional school setting. These are also the subjects that everyone can be learning together at the same time such as history, science, and Bible.

I was so excited to get this incorporated into our home school day that I spent most of Saturday researching, reading, and tearing through my house to find the things that I wanted to fold into our Morning Time. We will be starting out small with a devotional and some bible time, a time of prayer for the start of our day, singing, and poetry. Next week we will begin to fold in scripture memory as well. I will be writing more about our "Morning Basket" on my other blog Life of a Seminary Wife in the next week or so.

And now....

Here is what we will be learning as Mars Hall Legacy Academy this week;


We are moving on to the next letter in our learning. This week we will be learning the letter "Mm" 

This week's unit is all about the moon and the stars.

Bible: "I am the Light of the World"  Matthew :14-16; 2 Corinthians 3:18

Math: # 2. This week we will also start with adding colors to our calendar time for review of all the colors of the rainbow.

Science: Moon and Stars

Language Arts:  ABC song, Learning the "Mm" sound

Extra: Gymnastics on Friday. 

1st Grade

Adding in some of the more hands on activities for our 1st grade lessons really made a huge difference in how we got through school last week. Dart was excited to come in and start learning so we are going to continue on that trend and keep up this love of learning as long as I possibly can! 

Bible:  This week we are continuing the life and ministry of Jesus and how that pertains to how we can be serving God

Math: Writing out number words, Counting by 2's, Beginning Addition

Science: Finishing up the digestive system

History: Ancient Mesopotamia

Language Arts: We are still trucking along in our learning to read. We are also incorporating some other language arts skills now as well since I totally missed that part of the lesson plans from the beginning. Oh well, as long as he learns doesn't matter when we start.

Extras:Gymnastics continues every Friday as well. We are also going to be adding some art and music appreciation as well but these might get moved to our new Morning Basket Time later on down the road.

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