Wednesday, December 11, 2013

25 Books of Christmas

Last year I created a 25 day advent activity calendar to progress the kids toward Christmas. Each day we opened up an envelope and got to find out what fun winter/Christmas activity we would get to do. We did everything from making Christmas ornaments and cards to visiting Santa and driving around looking at lights.

This year, with me and daddy both bogged down in school work, and Thanksgiving happening so late in November I just didn't get us that well prepared. Fortunately for me, Grandma came to the rescue.

This year Grandma, (my mom), took it upon herself to pick out 25 special books, some from her childhood and some from mine, wrap them up, and number them. Each night before bed the Dart and Arielle get to take turns unwrapping a book and hearing a new story before bed. The best part is that she decided to leave a little note attached to each one as to why she chose that particular book.

So today is day 11. Tonight's book:

Other titles so far have included:
The Little Engine That Could
Church Mouse Stories
He Bear, She Bear
Ten Little Rabbits
Green Eggs and Ham
Baby Mickey's Book of Opposites
Piglet Does a Very Grand Thing
And Little Critter When I Get Bigger.

I have to say the best part is seeing the looks on their faces as they open the book. Its amazing to watch them get so excited to have new stories to read.

Dart insists on going to bed with the new book and reading it until he falls asleep. Generally, that means that Arielle gets to go to bed with the book from the night before.

Thanks for the great gift Grandma!

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