Saturday, May 18, 2013


Today Collin got to do something he has been begging todo for months now.

Today Collin went fishing! And he absolutely loved it. It was the cutest thing ever to watch him.

He couldn't really get the hang of the casting so either daddy or gramps would cast it out and then Collin would real it back in.

After a little while he decided to take a break from the fishing so I took his shoes off and let him walk in the water. That lasted for about 5 seconds until he started sinking in the sand. That was NOT what he signed up for!  So out of the water and on to his towel he went where he spent the next hour tossing rocks in to the lake.

To say that he was exhausted when we left would be an understatement. He was asleep in his car seat before we even left the lake!

1 comment:

  1. Who needs to win the lottery when you have already won......
