This time Dusty was home when we did it so he got to be my awesome photographer while I worked with Dart.
I gathered up the supplies:
Washable paint
Card Stock folded to be a card
News Paper for the floor
2 yr old for the hand print.
And we got to work.
At first I tried to make Christmas trees but the cards I made were too small for his hands. The first card attempt was done with green paint for the tree.
But when that didn't work we moved on to brown paint and we made hand print reindeer instead.
When we finally got into a grove we cranked out those cards in no time.
Here are 2 examples we made.
When we were done I put them on the washing machine to dry. Once they finished drying I added a red sequence for the nose and used black marker to draw eyes, antlers, a smile and the hoofs.
I got my reindeer card in the mail yesterday... it was wonderful!!!!!